Complaints - Appeals
Complaint is any request for action relating to the operations of the Certification Body. Upon receipt of the complaint, THEODYNAMICS Ltd investigating the complaint concerning the certification activities and informs the customer for the action to be taken for the immediate resolution of the problem. The THEODYNAMICS Ltd. maintains a list of complaints. The Board is reviewing the list. When the customer is not satisfied with the outcome of the decision to investigate the complaint, he has the right to lodge an appeal against the decision of THEODYNAMICS LTD.
Appeal is a request from a client for reviewing of any adverse decision made by the Certification Body, with the decision of the auditing process. Clients have the right to appeal against the decisions of auditing of THEODYNAMICS LTD. All complaints considered by an independent reviewer. A record is kept of these, along with the corrective actions taken and informed to the Impartiality Comity.
Fill the appeal/complaint's form and send it to info@theodynamics.gr
Certification Documents

Logo Usage Guidelines
The logo should always be used on certificates issued in conjunction with customer details.
The logo can be reproduced in any size or uniform color. It can also be used on letterhead and brochures, and only in conjunction with the scope. The position of the logo should preferably be close to the corners of the document, and in no case should the impression be created that the document is issued under the responsibility of THEODYNAMICS LTD. The logo should not be used under any circumstances to indicate product certification, nor in the documentation that accompanies product approval. It should also not be used on promotional products, cards, packaging or directly on products. For any statement, on product packaging or product accompanying information, that the certified customer has a certified management system will in no way imply that the product, process or service is certified in this way. The statement will include a reference to the identity of the certified customer, the type of management system and the applicable standard and the THEODYNAMICS LTD that issues the certificate. In the event of unacceptable use of the logo, the certified customer must discontinue any use of the symbol immediately. Also, the cessation of use must take place when the certification expires or is suspended. In case of withdrawal of the certification, the customer of THEODYNAMICS LTD is obliged to stop using all the advertising material that contains a reference to the certification.
The customers of THEODYNAMICS LTD can make use of the logo of ESYD. under the following conditions:
- 1. To be displayed only in the appropriate format, size and color.
- 2. The external dimensions of the logo, when used on A4 size documents, must not exceed 30 X 20 mm. In smaller documents, the dimensions of the ELD will be proportionally smaller.
- 3. In an advertising or other advertisement and in means of promotion, any and any way of using the ELD must have the corresponding proportions as above, ie it must cover at most 1/100 of the total area of the level of the advertisement / registration.
- 4. Is included in the same context in which there is the logo of THEODYNAMICS LTD.
- 5. The area of the logo of ESYD. can not exceed 50% of the corresponding logo of THEODYNAMICS LTD.